I am on a mission to help 100 Busy Black women have their very 1st therapy session in 2025!
I help successful, high achieving, busy Black women, who are NEW TO THERAPY or prioritizing their mental health, learn to move from the margins, smack dab in the center of their worlds!
Why the busy Black woman? Why because she is the greatest asset in the Black collective of course! (*okay, I may be just a little biased). Nonetheless, I am helping to elevate the entire Black collective, by nourishing the center of it all. She’s been getting it all done and some, while running on empty and this has been okay for far too long.
I live for the day when the “strong Black woman” title, is given to those of us who refuse to deplete themselves but insist on being a priority in their own life.
Self-Centered= Unapologetically the center of YOUR world
Selfish= Expecting to be the center in others’ worlds
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